Products: Score Transfers

Request Score Transfer US$40.00

If you have passed a social work licensing exam and are applying to be licensed in a different jurisdiction, your Board may request for you to order a score transfer through ASWB.

If your name has changed since you took the ASWB exam, you will be asked at the end of this order to attach legal documentation of the name change.

If you would like to proceed with the online score transfer, please provide the following information:

  • You must have submitted the application to the social work board prior to requesting this transfer.
  • Score transfers cost US$40.
  • ASWB score transfer fees are non-refundable.
Personal Exam Information
Which Social work licensing exam did you take?
For what jurisdiction did you take the exam?
To which jurisdiction are you APPLYING for a license?
Have you submitted a licensure application to your chosen jurisdiction?
 Yes  No

What was your name AT THE TIME YOU TOOK THE EXAM?
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:

Personal Information
Enter your date of birth:
Enter your SSN/SIN: